TES4 Record

Plugin Info


Count Subrecord Name Type Info
+ HEDR header struct Contains additional details about the plugin, see section below.
- OFST unknown ?? ??
- DELE unknown ?? ??
+ CNAM author cstring Maximum size is 512 bytes, including terminator.
- SNAM description cstring Maximum size is 512 bytes, including terminator.
-*   Master Data collection Data on the plugin’s master files, listed in the order they were present in when the plugin was written.
- ONAM formOverrides formid[] Overridden records. An array of REFR, ACHR, ACRE, PMIS, PBEA, PGRE, LAND and NAVM records.
- SCRN screenshot ?? ??


Name Type Info
version float32 0.94 in most files; 1.7 in recent versions of Update.esm.
numRecords uint32 Number of records and groups (not including TES4 record itself).
nextObjectId uint32 Next available object ID.

Master Data

Count Subrecord Name Type Info
+ MAST master cstring The filename of a master plugin.
+ DATA fileSize uint64 Always 0, probably vestigial. In TES3, the file size of the previous master was recorded here.